Thank you for being a vital part of AOS!
Technical Staff (Paid Position)
Technical Staff help run the performances that happen every Thursday - Saturday in Studio 3R our new blackbox performance space. No prior tech experience is needed!!! AOS requires our tech staff to be trained in a group training or a 1 on 1 training session prior to working an event. Positions include Sound/house Manager ($15/hr) & Lighting tech ($17/hr). Most events start at 3:00pm and go until 10:00pm.
Email techstaff@artsonsite.org to get involved and find out more information
Studio Manager (Work Exchange Position)
Studio Managers help clean and maintain the studios in exchange for use of studio space. The shifts are from 10pm-11pm, or 6am-7am on Mondays (1 credit) Wednesdays (2 credits) and Fridays (1 credit). Each credit is ($25 value).
Email workexchange@artsonsite.org to get involved and find out more information.
Performance Party Event Crew (Volunteer Positions)
The Event Crew is a group of volunteers who help assist with the Performance Party Event. Positions include Setup before events, Front Door to help greet guests and collect donations, Donation bar to help work the donation bar and Cleanup assisting after events. Call time is 4:00pm day of the event!
Exchange: - You do NOT receive any studio credits - but you DO receive free entry to the event + free drinks.
Email performanceparty@artsonsite.org to get involved and find out more information
Intern (School Credit Position)
The Intern position is for anyone in an academic or collegiate program looking to work with Arts On Site in a volunteer way. The work includes administrative help, programmatic help and is about 3-10 hours per week. If you are interested, the minimum amount of time is 1 month.
Email Chelsea@artsonsite.org to get involved and find out more information