Time & Location
Jul 11, 2024, 6:30 PM EDT
Studio 3R, 12 St Marks Pl, New York, NY 10003, USA
About the Event
Please join Emergent Improvisers TROY, UILA, ALEXIS, and EVELYN (as well as some special musical guests!!) for an improvised gathering at Arts on Site on July 11th at 6:30pm and again at 8:30pm. The session will begin with a sharing story circle and end with a meditation but what happens in between is up to you! We will be processing text from adrienne maree brown's Emergent Strategy through language, movement, music, and imagery. You will have the option to remove your shoes. @troyanosaurus @mx.uila @a.vinzons @angelpumpkinpie
Design by Alexis Vinzons @a.vinzons
Tickets are sliding scale! Please consider the economic justice guide below to help you choose your ticket price
$60 (Your ticket plus a full solidarity ticket)
I am comfortable and able to meet all of my basic* needs. I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I own my home, or I rent a higher-end property. I own/ lease a car, or I can always afford public and private transport. I am employed, or do not need to work to meet my needs. I have regular access to healthcare. I have access to financial savings. I have an expendable** income. I can afford vacations or to take time off.
$30 (Full price ticket to compensate performers and space)
I am able to meet my basic* needs. I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I own my home, or I rent a property. I own/lease a car, or I can afford public and private transport. I am employed or self employed. I have access to healthcare. I have access to some financial savings. I have some expendable** income. I can take a vacation without financial burden.
$20 - (Students and Seniors)
I may stress about meeting my basic* needs, but still regularly achieve them. I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I have access to a car and can afford gas, or I can afford public transport and often private transport. I am employed or self-employed. I have some financial savings. I have some expendable** income. I have access to healthcare. I can take a vacation annually, or every few years without financial burden.
$0 or $10
I frequently stress about meeting basic* needs and don’t always achieve them. I have debt, and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs. I have unstable housing. I sometimes can’t afford public or private transport. I am unemployed or underemployed. I have no access to savings. I have no or very limited expendable** income. I do not have the ability to take time off without financial burden.
Adapted from Califia Collective’s The Green Bottle Sliding Scale
*Basic Needs include food, housing, clothing and transportation.
**Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a cafe, buy new clothes, books and similar items each month, etc.
- The original source of this graphic is this blog post, The Sliding Scale: A Tool of Economic Justice
- Working Theater, sliding scale tickets condenses the same language to a ticketing scale